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You Must have heard a doctor recommending protein to stay fit. Have you ever thought about why protein is essential to being healthy and active? Well, the reason is it has not one but multiple benefits. 

Protein, taken in any form, whether a blessed plant protein, animal protein or protein powder, is always a beneficial factor for your body, helping you to stay in shape and physically healthy. 

However, no matter what, many people, mostly Indians, do not seem to consume as much protein as they need. The amount of whey protein they consume in their diet is relatively lower than others. In this article, we have focused on discussing why you should eat or drink more protein. 

Why Should You Need More Protein in Your Body? 

You can find many reasons to consume protein regularly. Unless a specific medical condition forbids you to eat protein-blessed supplements, you can add at least one protein supplement to your daily diet plan.

Now, let’s discuss some of the reasons why you should get associated with protein every day.

  1. Maintains Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes is a very common disease these days. It makes people suffer and can become life-threatening if one is not under control. 

India has the highest number of type two diabetes patients. But whatever the number is, we cannot deny that type two diabetes happens because of an unhealthy diet and inactive lifestyle. Because of eating too much carb regularly, the human body produces more insulin than before to balance the blood sugar. That is how many people have type two diabetes. 

However, adding more protein-based diets, whey protein or fat in your food can ensure your health stays as secure as before. Your body will produce the right amount of insulin, therefore giving your body no unwanted disease.

  1. Helpful for Your Bone Health 

Have you ever heard about the myth that blessed protein is bad for your bones? If you have, there is a high chance you have heard the logic behind it. The myth perpetuates the idea that protein, especially animal protein, is bad for your bone health because it enhances the acid load in your body. So now, the calcium in the bone starts latching to neutralise the acid. 

But, many years of observation and studies suggest that any protein is good for bone health. In addition, the studies suggest that people who consume more protein run a lower risk of experiencing fragile bones or fractures as they age. 

Since women’s bodies go through a lot of decay as they age and are likely to experience osteoporosis after menopause, consuming protein has proven to be more beneficial for them. 

  1. Increase Muscle Strength

Protein is considered to be the building block of muscles. So, it is natural that you will get all your muscle strength from consuming protein. Especially when you undergo intense strength or weight training programs, protein supplements help you maintain muscle strength.

If you are preparing for any weight-lifting competition or trying to lose weight, you must ensure that your body gets enough protein to go through that intense exercise. The Blessed protein of Canada can also help to prevent excessive muscle loss. 

  1. Decrease Hunger Levels

Three micronutrients affect your body. Some in a good way, whereas some in a bad way. While carbs, most of the time, affect health badly, protein has a lot to give to your body. 

Protein supplements are fulfilling; therefore, they help you feel less hungry at any time of the day. But why so? It happens because protein produces a kind of hormone named Ghrelin. It is beneficial in increasing peptide YY. Peptide YY makes people feel full, resulting in making people feel less hungry. 

According to a study, women who increased their protein intake to thirty percent ate 444 lower calories per day. So, if you need to lose belly fat, protein supplements, and a little exercise daily are your solutions. 

  1. Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a reason for many heart diseases like strokes, kidney disease, heart attacks, etc. So, it would be best if you tried to maintain your blood pressure level to avoid such problems in the future. Consumption of high protein supplements has proven to balance the blood pressure level. 

According to a study, high protein intake could lower blood pressure by 1.76mm Hg. Not only that, protein consumption decreases your body’s bad cholesterol (LDL) level. 

  1. Helps to Burn Fat

The human body uses calories to digest the food eaten and absorb all the nutrients present in the food. This method is famously known as a thermic effect. But not all foods are the same, nor do all of them have the same thermic effect of food. 

However, any protein supplement or blessed protein powder has a high thermic effect. Protein’s thermic level is between twenty to thirty-five percent, much more than carbs. 

High protein consumption can boost metabolism, helping you lose more fat daily. For example, a study showed that people who consumed high protein burned 260 more calories than the ones who maintained a low-protein diet. 

  1. Reduce The Late-Night Cravings

Those who try hard to maintain their body find it harder to maintain a healthy diet regularly. Most importantly, people get bored when they cannot eat anything according to their choice. That is when the craving comes into the picture. It has nothing to do with nutrition or energy but everything to do with providing a gift to your brain. But you can get no good out of it. 

However, cravings are hard to control, especially when you always feel hungry. That is why you should always maintain a healthy diet with lots of protein to make you feel full. 

A study conducted on a few overweight men has proven that high protein consumption reduced cravings by sixty per cent. 

  1. Helpful for Weight Loss

Are you obsessed with maintaining a healthy body weight? If yes, you must go through an intense workout every morning. But it would be best to eat properly to get the right result from your exercise. That is why you need to eat high-protein supplements.

Protein supplements boost the metabolism and decrease cravings to eat junk foods or anything unhealthy. As a result, protein supplements help to reduce calories. 

A study found that when some overweight women ate some calories from their protein supplements, they lost eleven pounds in twelve weeks. Another study over twelve months proved that 130 overweight people lost around fifty-three per cent more fat after consuming high protein.

  1. Provides The Body with Self-healing Method

Protein, as discussed before, is the building block of muscles. But it also builds tissues and organs. That is why taking protein supplements helps to give the body the power to heal itself after getting injured. In addition, many studies have proven that protein helps to recover faster than anything else. 


Though well-known for its benefits, people are not so concerned about consuming protein-based diets. But protein intake has a considerable amount of benefits. For example, high protein diets not only help to stay fit but also helps your body to stay protected from harmful disease. So, if you are concerned about your health, consider exercising and following a high-protein diet. 



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