Dark spots, also known as age spots, are a sign of aging. Although it usually doesn’t cause any harm, it can affect how people with the condition look. These dark spots are mostly brought on by prolonged exposure to the sun. Home remedies can lighten these dark spots. However, if you have tried these methods but have not been successful, you should see a dermatologist for advice and treatment that is more effective.
An Overview of Skin Hyperpigmentation
Hyperpigmentation is a condition in which your skin becomes darker. This can affect specific areas of the skin or the body as a whole. A common type of hyperpigmentation is skin dark spots, also known as liver spots.
Although hyperpigmentation is typically harmless, it can occasionally be brought on by an underlying medical condition. Additionally, the use of some drugs can darken the skin. This condition influences nearly everybody cosmetically.
Melasma: what causes it?
The most common cause of hyperpigmentation is sun damage. Particularly, the parts that are frequently exposed to direct sunlight suffer from this effect.
Melasma can also be brought on by several other factors, such as the use of drugs like chemotherapy, hormonal changes like during pregnancy, endocrine conditions like Addison’s disease, melasma, insulin resistance, and skin irritations like cuts and scrapes, as well as skin problems caused by trauma.
Home remedies for melasma
There are many options, including the following:
Apple Cider Vinegar Acetic acid can found in apple cider vinegar. The findings of the research indicate that it lightens skin pigmentation. Melasma treatment with apple cider vinegar: Combine water and apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. After that, apply the solution to the skin in the dark areas and hold it there for two to three minutes. After that, use warm water to wash your face. Keep doing it twice a day until you get the results you want.
Aloe Vera, also known as aloe Vera, contains aloin, a natural discoloring that has shown to lighten skin and effectively treat hyperpigmentation, according to a 2012 study. non-toxic component
Aloe vera uses include: Before going to bed, apply pure aloe vera gel to the pigmented areas. The following morning, wash your face with warm water. Keep doing this every day until your skin looks better.
A component of some scar treatments and skin-lightening creams is the extract of the red onion, Allium cepa. The dry peel of red onions has shown in some studies to effectively lighten the skin. As a result, when it comes to skincare, you should look for melasma creams that contain Allium cepa and use them under the supervision of a dermatologist or other specialist.
Green Tea Extract According to reliable research, when applied to the skin, green tea extract can cause a magnification effect. As a result, you can use green tea extract to stop your skin from getting darker.
For a lightening effect, some websites suggest applying green tea bags to dark areas. Despite this, there is still no solid evidence to support this hypothesis.
You can try it out by following these steps:
The tea bags should soaked for three to five minutes in boiling water. After that, remove the tea bag and allow it to cool. Apply the tea bag to the skin’s dark spots. Until the results are felt, repeat the test twice daily.
Black tea water Animal studies published in 2011 demonstrate that black tea water lightens guinea pigs’ dark spots. You can test whether black tea water helps with melasma by adding: a cup of boiled water, a tablespoon of fresh black tea leaves, and After two hours, take out all of the tea leaves. In the solution of black tea, soak cotton pads. The soaked cotton pads should then applied to the dark skin. Repeat this procedure twice daily for approximately four weeks to see results.
Licorice Extract It has demonstrated that licorice extract’s active ingredients reduce melasma and sun-induced skin pigmentation. There is a market for licorice extract-infused topical creams. While utilizing, counsel a dermatologist or healthy skin proficient.
Also, you can use Tri-Luma cream, which works incredibly effectively to treat melasma, is the optimum combination of three substances in the right amounts.